Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Snow Day!!
It was another snow day today! (really ice) I had no idea how much until I went out to get the mail and almost fell twice. It is very deceiving. So, today we are just enjoying our day in. Gareth still went to work, but myself and the kids have had a day of movies and playing games. Yesterday the kids got out 2 hours early. We ended up playing in the snow after that. It was Liam's first time seeing snow, and although he was a little apprehensive at first, he came around. Callum loved eating the snow and Alex tried to make a snow man, but the snow just wasn't the right kind. We lasted longer than anyone in the neighborhood, but eventually we had to come in.
We had lots of fun and I will try and post pictures later. I tried already today, and for some reason, they won't upload on to the blog. ?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
More pics of Inauguration 2009!!
In the hotel, 4am. Getting ready to brave the cold!!!
Jake, Evy and Alex getting ready to walk out in to the cold!!!!
More Inauguration 2009!!
Patiently waiting for everything to start!!

Evy, Jake and Alex trying to stay warm!
Lori, with her two bundles. Jake and Evy are asleep under that blanket!
President Obama and Michelle Obama. I wish I could have gotten more pics of him, but everyone around us was going CRAZY!!!
Inauguration 2009!
Wonderful Police officers from LA!!
Vice President Joe Biden and family!!

So, all in all, would we do it again. YES!! It was cold. We did have some drama. We awoke at 3:30 am in a hotel in Dupont. The kids were troopers. Alex complained of her stomach hurting, but said that she didn't want to miss anything, so off we went. At 4 am, the metro was already packed. We then had to wait at a security check point to get in to the parade route. The gates were supposed to open at 7. They didn't open until 7:30. Alex ended up getting sick in front of a few hundred people on the side walk. What a nightmare, poor thing!! It was freezing!!! We were able to get through and get our front place spots. Then we waited. And waited, and waited!! We passed the time talking to the LA Police officers that were security in front of us. They were so friendly and were so wonderful to the kids. They kept giving up their hand warmers for the kids so that they could stay warm. Those things are great!!! We were able to hear the whole swearing in ceremony. What an amazing vibe the crowd had. For the most part, everyone was friendly, talking to one another. We adopted a man named Patrick who helped build a wall around the kids so that they stayed up front. He was so nice. Anyway, the parade was delayed, but as it happened, it was a memorable event. President Obama, and first Lady Michelle, walked right in front of us waving. V-President Biden and his family did the same. Let me tell you, he was a hoot. He worked the crowd, that is for sure. All in all, it was a moment in history that we were a part of. No matter who you voted for, or where you stand in politics, the most important thing now is to continue to pray for our nations leaders. It was a monumental moment in our nations history, and I am so glad that we braved the cold and choas to be a part of it. I am thankful for the memory that Alex will always have of being there. What a trooper her and Evy and Jake were. They were better than me at times:0)
Thanks to mom and dad for keeping Callum and Liam so that we could take Alex. Thanks to Gary for being our driver to and from the metro, and thanks to Brent for letting us crash in your room. Now we just need to pray to get everyone in our house well again. Yesterday we all spent the day trying to get healthy. Between the stomach bug and ear infections, we were all home yesterday!! I am praying that this is the last week for all of this sickness!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Back from Inauguration!!
We are home safe and sound. We have been up over 17 hours, so I am off to sleep. I will post pics and details tomorrow. (hopefully) We had a blast and only a little bit of drama!!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Great news!!!!
Mom has now been cancer free for 2 years!!!!! YEAH!!!!
She had her appointment yesterday and was able to see a new doctor. She was very pleased with his bed side manner and then proceeded to tell me that he was only 31 and he seemed like a baby to her. That is because he is a year younger than her baby!! :0) I am so glad that we have good news and that her new Doctor was so very wonderful. That means so much!!!
Praying for healing in our house!!!
I know I haven't posted in a while. Callum ended up at the doctor this weekend, only for them to send us to the hospital. Another ear infection. Poor thing. He hasn't had one since his tubes fell out. We were hoping that we were past all of this. Guess not. Liam and I ended up with a stomach bug. Luckily, it was VERY short. I guess that's what we get for hanging around the hospital for hours. Lots of sick people. Gareth and Alex are still healthy as usual, but they also didn't have to hang out with us, hanging out with lots of sick people:0) Hopefully, they will remain healthy and we will be done.
We are planning on going to the inauguration on Tuesday. Are we insane you ask? Well, yeah.
Usually, being a DC native, I would avoid and have avoided events like this in the past like the plague. But we figure, no matter what side of politics you stand on, how you feel about certain topics, etc. this is a historical moment. If ever we were going to go to an inauguration, this is the one to go to. We are planning on leaving the boys home and just take Alex. She is old enough to understand and remember. We are going with a friend and her children, so I think it will be fun. I will post more closer, I just pray that we are all healthy enough to go:0)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Our trip!
So, on our trip to get Liam, we discussed surprising the kids with a trip to Disney for Christmas. We have been in adoption mode for almost 5 years and now that our family was complete, we wanted to celebrate in a big way! Also, Alex had hinted on more than one occasion that if we were done getting her brothers, she would really like to go to Disney.
So...... we started planning. It was a bit overwhelming, but we pulled it off. I could write so much, but I figured I would just do a quick re-cap of every day.

Christmas Eve: Gareth had to work until 2. I had packed the kids the day before without them knowing and Gareth and I had loaded the car up after they went to bed. So, on the morning of Christmas Eve, Gareth went off to work and I spent the morning cleaning. The kids were great due to it being Christmas eve and Santa coming. Around 2, Gareth called to say he was on his way home. I quickly asked the kids to get their new pj's on, (a big family tradition. new pj's from grandma and grandpa for Christmas eve) and put 3 books in their travel back packs, then meet me at the top of the steps. Strangely enough, they did it. When Gareth got home, they were sitting there good as gold. All I told them was that we were going on a road trip. So, our 14 hour car journey began. I will say that considering they had no idea where we were going, they were so well behaved. There were a few conversations between Alex and Callum about going to the North pole. (too cute)
We drove straight through arriving in Orlando around 3:30 am. Of course, the kids woke up, still not knowing where we were and it took a bit to get them back to sleep, but eventually they did. I then set up some mini trees I had bought with their stocking underneath, and off to sleep I went.
Christmas Morning, 9:30am. - The kids wake up excited to be in a hotel. They spot their stockings and asked if I let Santa in. They all pile up on the bed and begin to rip through their little gifts. All the gifts I bought were Disney. It didn't take long for Alex to realize, so we asked her where she thought she knew where we were and where she thought we were going. She finally figured it out! She was so excited that if anyone else was still sleeping, they weren't after that:0) We ate breakfast and loaded up the car and headed out.
First stop: Epcot!( since we knew that Magic Kingdom would be a nightmare).
We arrived and went straight to the line to meet Mickey, Minnie, Donald and goofy. I was amazed at how patient the kids were and doubly amazed at the short wait. Callum was ecstatic, Alex was excited and Liam was a little reserved. Gareth, well, he was just a big kid:0)
After that, we headed over to walk through the countries. Gareth was able to get his fish and chips in England. The best he has had since being in the states. We saw Father Christmas, Callum got his french fries stolen right out of his hand by a seagull twice, (really funny) and we watched a candle light service for Christmas day. It seemed that no matter where we went, we saw a character and Alex almost filled up her first autograph book that first day. It was a long and tiring day, but wonderful!!!
December 26- We got up early and headed to Animal Kingdom. Luckily my husband knew the ropes although it was his first time to Disney. We headed to the back of the park and went straight on the safari. It was great!! All the animals we awake and moving all around. Callum saw a huge elephant. Later that day, we saw a great parade, The Lion King, and Alex was invited to watch a wood pecker get its annual physical. Now, those of you who know her know that for a while, she has said that she wants to be a vet. She was in awe and must have watched this for 45 minutes without getting squeamish or anything. It was right up her alley.
December 27- Hollywood Studios- Great Park. Alex got to be in the High School musical parade. That was exciting. The boys met the little Einsteins, and they all met the Power Rangers. It was lots of fun!!
Sunday, December 28th, we took a break from the parks. We were able to see our friends Tina and Darryl and their son Daniel. They are who we traveled with to get Liam. They received Daniel a few hours earlier and we spent the week in Guatemala with them. Anyway, they live in Tampa, so they came up for the day. The kids spent the morning in the pool and then we went to dinner in Down town Disney. It was so great to see them and also see the boys together again!!
Monday, December 29th-back to Hollywood Studios. Alex fought Darth Vader, the boys met Buzz light year and Alex and Callum got to dance in the block party parade. Great Day!!
Tuesday, Magic Kingdom- We woke up at 6:15, (yuck) and headed to Magic Kingdom. It is enchanting to ride up and see the castle with all of the Christmas decorations. We walked in and Callum saw Daisy Duck. He had been waiting all week to meet her. Unfortunately he had to wait a little longer. We headed straight to the back of the park and decided to meet Daisy later.
We rode the dumbo ride, teacups and carousel. saw a great parade and then we were able to meet Daisy. They funniest part was that Liam was finally warming up to meeting the character by this point. He would hand them his book and then stand a little ways away. Well, Daisy decided that she wanted to give Liam a hug. He went backwards away from her and she accidentally pushed him down a step. Of course, she can't talk, Gareth and I are being awful parents and just cracking up all while she is trying to communicate that she is sorry. It was really funny. Anyway, the kids met, Pinocchio, Snow White, Mary Poppins, and then we had a character dinner with Minnie, Pluto, Goofy and Chip and Dale. We ended up staying for the night parade and fire works and at that point decided to close the park down and not go back the next day. All in all, we were there from 8am to midnight and although it was fun, it ranked our least favorite out of our trip. It was a little too crazy for us on this trip.
On New Years Eve, we decided to head back to Animal Kingdom. I think that we all loved this park. We went on the safari again, saw the Nemo show and saw another parade. Since this was the last day, we let the kids spend their spending money, which was burning a hole in Alex's pocket, and then we headed back to the house we rented. It was about 8:30, so Gareth let the kids swim while I started packing up. Everyone was still up at midnight and we rang in the new year banging pots and pans.
New years Day- We headed out, got a bite to eat and then started our 14 hour drive home. We were going to break the drive up, but Gareth decided that we might as well keep going, so that is what we did. We arrived home around 3:30 Friday morning, and have been recuperating ever since. I joke that we need another vacation now that we are home, but it kind of is true.
We had such a wonderful time and I know that I am leaving many details out. I doubt that many of you have even made it to the end of this post. I don't think I have ever posted such a long post before. Anyway, although I am leaving a lot out, I do know that it was the best trip that we have had as a family. This is the first time that it was the 5 of us and it was a great bonding experience. It was magical and wonderful in so many ways and a wonderful way to spend Christmas. It was also such a wonderful way to ring in the New Year!! I pray that whatever we endure this coming year, whether it is a year of heartache, or a year full of joy, I am so thankful for the memory of this trip with our family complete. I pray that your Christmas and New Years was as wonderful as ours, and if you need any Disney tips, we are now pros:0)
Friday, January 2, 2009
We are Back!!
For those of you that didn't know, we surprised the kids for Christmas with a trip to Disney World!!! I didn't post before we went because I was so nervous about Alex finding out. We have been planning this since Liam came home and still can't believe that we pulled it off. The look on Alex's face Christmas morning was price less. Needless to say, we got home about 3:30 this morning, after driving 14 hours straight (well Gareth anyway) and we are still recovering. I can't wait to post all of the details. For now, I just pray that everyone had a great Christmas and Happy New year. I am off to bed and hope to get back on track tomorrow.
I will be sure to post in the next day to two:0)
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