Thursday, April 30, 2009
I have my 4th baby:0)
Things are going really well with Charlie. He follows me around constantly. I had made a rule that he wasn't to go on the couches. (that lasted all of ten minutes) By the time Gareth was home from bible study on Monday night, he was cuddled up on my lap asleep. Gareth said, well you wanted a 4th kid, now you have one:0) He is so good with the kids. On Tuesday, you could see how tired he was and he would still play with them when they wanted him to. He slept through the night with out whining at all and he has not had any accidents. This dog could not be more perfect for our family!
Yesterday, Callum was home from school. He woke up in the night with a fever. I waited all day for his ears to start playing up. Most of the time when he spikes a high fever, which he did on and off all day, it is an ear infection. So far, he has not complained. He is home again today, but seems a bit better. He is missing school and his friends, so hopefully he will be able to go back to school tomorrow.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Our newest addition!!!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Yes, we are still here:0)
I have gotten a few emails asking if we were still around. Thanks for asking. It has been a little busy these past few weeks, but we are surviving:0) I am off for the weekend. I am meeting up with my sister and some friends from her church until Sunday night. I haven't gone away for a weekend, by myself, without the kids, (other than Guatemala) in a VERY long time. I am very excited!!
*****Oh, and we have a big announcement coming on Monday! I will give you one hint:******
It has to do with adoption!!!!
Any guesses? I will post again on Monday afternoon!!!!! :0)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter!!!
I have delayed this post because it has been on my mind so much lately, and I am just not sure how to word what is in my head. The other day, as I was sitting at a gas station, waiting for my gas to pump, I saw a man wearing a shirt that said, " a blood donor saved my life." I thought to myself, that is a great shirt. As i was driving away, I thought what an impact that shirt should have on everyone. Jesus did do that for us!! Easter is my favorite holiday. Not because I am in to a bunny showing up to hand my kids chocolate eggs, (does it even make sense?) but because it is such a reminder of the sacrifice that was paid at Calvary for us. Our pastor spoke of Lazarus and how Mary and Martha had said, "Jesus, if you had just been here, our brother would not have died." After Jesus wept, (which we could talk about for hours by itself) he replied, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" Oh my, could we just not go on for hours on that verse alone?? It was such a moving sermon and and amazing service. What a worship experience it was!! I don't know where I would be with out Jesus. I don't really ever want to think about it. What I do know is that no matter how bad things get in life, or how wonderful things are at the moment, it is ALL done for God's Glory!!
Thank you Jesus!!!!
He is Risen, He is Risen indeed!!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Nearing the end of spring break!
It has been a fun filled week to say the least! Sunday after church, Gareth and I took the kids to the National Zoo. We had planned to meet up with friends. They haven't seen the kids in a few years, and never met Liam. They don't have kids themselves, so it was very sweet of them to pick the zoo. Funny enough, neither of us women, while we were planning remembered the Cherry Blossom festival. We have lived here so long that we don't even think of these things. Needless to say, it took forever to get there, was VERY crowded, but all in all, we had a great day!!
Monday, I took the kids, with the help of my mom and friend Peggy, to get their teeth cleaned. Peggy's daughter goes to college a few hours away, so we drove up to her to have her do it. The kids were great, love her and it was cheap:0)
Tuesday and Wednesday, we laid low, and then Thursday, we met my sister, her husband and their 5 kids at a great park mid way between our houses. The kids had a great time. This place had a wild life exhibition. We saw buffalo, a bear, eagles, etc. they loved it!! It also had a petting zoo. Luckily, we didn't go in. I don't do well with animal germs. (and Alex still wants to be a vet, go figure). We then drove to my sister's house and spent the night there. The kids had a great time and on Friday, my friend D that has moved close to my sister brought her two children over to play. We had a house full, but the kids had a blast. I love that my sister is only 3 hours away now and my kids can see there cousins more often.
Our egg hunt was canceled for today, so we are just hanging out before running errands.
Tomorrow, we are heading to church and then to my moms. I am hoping for a pretty laid back day. I LOVE Easter. It is my favorite holiday. I hope that you all have a very wonderful Easter!!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
a few updates!
Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. Of course, there is always drama in our household. It is now to be expected.
While Gareth was gone, I posted that Alex hurt her foot. I am not sure if I mentioned my car breaking down, although now that I think about it, I think I did. Anyway, friends were gracious enough to fix it for me. My friend K's husband was going out of town a day later, so we said that we would be sure to look after her and the kids while he was gone. Well, on Thursday, her daughter ended up having to go to Children's hospital b/c of an allergic reaction to medicine.(It was awful!!!) Long story short, Gareth kept her older 2 and we headed in to the city. I stayed with them until about 3:30 that morning, and once we knew she was being admitted, I headed home in my friends car. While driving home, I ended up with a flat. Well, Gareth had 5 kids at home, so I wasn't about to have him wake the kids up to come change a tire, and I wasn't sure who to call at 4am, so we called AAA. 2 HOURS LATER, they were there to change the tire. What drama!!!!! Now it is funny and thank the Lord, K's daughter is now home and healing, but I will say that you must always remember that if you are friends with us, there will prob. always be drama involved:0)
We have headed in to spring break, and today I(my mom and friend Peggy) took the kids to get their teeth cleaned by Peggy's daughter who is in dental school. They did great, but it has been a very long day. I am not sure what we have planned for the rest of the week, but I am sure that I will update you soon. I do know that I am ready for some warm weather!!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Thank you Lord......
Alex's foot is not broken!!!!! YEAH!!!!! It is a bad sprain and the bone is bruised. She is still on crutches, much to her dismay. She tried to walk a little last night with out them, but the back of her foot still hurts way too much. Hopefully by the end of the week, she will be off of them.
One less drama for us now!!! It is so hard to keep her from moving around and I am so relieved now that she is supposed to start putting a little pressure on it! Thank you Lord for healing her foot day by day!!
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