Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Once Again, not good news!

Are we surprised? I am not. We were told today, that although our paperwork checked out fine this time, and there is nothing to correct, the General Secretary has decided that he doesn't like the fact that we had two different lawyers signing off on our file.
We had two different lawyers because we have been at this 2 years. This past fall, our original lawyer went on vacation for over a month. in that time, we got our approval. The other lawyer had to sign off for us to pick up our file from the government agency that had it. He is now finishing our case. (or trying to) The funny thing is, as complicated as all of this sounds, no one has ever encountered it before. (because they shouldn't be doing it) Anyway, the response from the current people helping us was, "when we find out how to fix it, or what they want us to do about it, we will let you know". Gotta love that. They were just as frustrated as we are. For some reason, we just are not able to get this little boy home!!! He is 18 months old today. You would never know that we got his first picture the day he was born.

Today, Callum had his big speech testing to place him for next year. He did so well. It lasted over an hour and a half. I totally expected him to melt down about a half an hour in to it. He was a trooper. He is doing so well in just his everyday speech that you would never know this time last year he didn't have 5 words in his vocabulary. On Monday, Gareth and I were doing yard work. I was using the weed whacker. The back yard was so long that I had to cut it down before Gareth could mow it. Anyway, Callum was playing with his sidewalk chalk and I had come around the house to have Gareth fill the trimmer back up. Callum looked at me and said, "mommy, why you green?" I looked down, and the complete front of me was covered in grass. I said, "oh, this is just grass because mommy is helping daddy". He said, "oh, ok then". It was so cute. He is such a little man.

Alex got her 3rd quarter report card. We again are very proud of her. She had all perfect marks except for listening and punctuation. When we talked to her about it, she said, "I know that I need to listen the first time from now on and i will." Then she said, I know how to put a period at the end of a sentence. Sometimes, I just don't' want to. " It isn't that she is lazy, she just wants to do things her way. One day, being stubborn will be a great quality to have, i am sure. We are so glad that she is doing so well and that she loves school. She got to go to the FISH Bowl party at the school. You get invited when you have done extremely well on your report card. There was a guy there that did all of these tricks with yo-yo's . She got one, and is so determined to learn how to do it. Grandad comes in a few weeks. Maybe he can show her:0)

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