Friday, June 13, 2008


i took the kids to the beach over the past two days. We have had wonderful weather and had a great time!!! Both of them LOVE water. I kept applying sunscreen, because it was deceiving. It was so beautiful but when the wind stopped, I could really feel the sun. Luckily Alex has no burns to report. Callum has such beautiful skin and has the best looking DARK tan. Oh to have skin like that. On that note, I lathered them multiple times a day with sunscreen and forgot to keep applying it to myself. I have a nice burn all over. I hope I can get comfortable enough to sleep tonight:0) We are all well and truly tired, so it may not be a problem.

I did get a call from my Doctor yesterday. We were going to schedule a surgery to remove a huge cyst on my ovaries. For a doctor to use that term a few months ago was pretty funny. Anyway, I was a little stressed because of the timing. We should be traveling in the next few weeks and with this surgery, I would have a few day recovery period. I didn't want anything extra on my to do list. Anyway, over the past 5 months, the cyst has continued to grow. Last week I had a test done, and it has finally gone down in size, "a little" as the Dr. put it. Not much, but enough that we will hold off on the surgery and see if it continues to shrink, (or pop, yikes). The good news is, this in one thing off of our plates. The bad is that it tends to bother me quite often. Hopefully, it will continue to shrink and I won't have to worry about it again.

Gareth has been pretty busy while we were gone. He could have relaxed and enjoyed some peace and quiet. Instead, he installed 4 new ceiling fans upstairs. This has needed to be done for sometime, and he finally had the oppurtunity while we were away with no little feet under him. They all look great and I appreciate his hard work so much. I will also appreciate that electric bill when it comes. These fans should help cut down on our air conditioning bill quite a bit:0)

Off to bed now. I hope to get a full 6 or so hours tonight:0)

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