Monday, August 25, 2008

Our 2nd grader!!!

Today was Alex's first day of second grade. She got up this morning, (and it was a bit difficult)  we made pancakes, painted her toes, and off we went.  She said to me as we were walking over to the school, "I kinda feel like I need to throw up."  It is hard because her school doesn't do meet and greets for the older students so going in to today, she hadn't ever met her teacher. I reminded her that she knew at least 3 kids in  her class, so she would be fine.  We waited anxiously all day to hear how her day went.  The boys played great together, I got caught up on my cleaning, Gareth Got caught up on house hold stuff and Liam napped for 2 hours.  It was GREAT!!!!   Over lunch Gareth and I were chatting about the fact that we actually have a 2nd grader.  My how the time flies. I still can't believe that she is in second grade. 
This afternoon, we walked over to get Alex and she came out full of smiles.  Her backpack was accompanied by a bear and book.  She was chosen to have their class mascot for the first week of school.  She said she was chosen because she behaved so well.  It is days like these that you thank God no matter how you worry some days that are messing your child up day after day, that  you may actually be doing something right!!   She was very talkative over dinner telling us about her day, her teacher and her new friends, as well as the old friends that she saw today.   I pray that she continues to love school and that she continues to blossom in the way that we know she can. God has given her a gift of not having to try real hard to learn and as we have been told multiple times, when she really applies herself, she can be exceptional. It is a matter of making her want to try:0)  I am so excited that it seems that she will have another wonderful teacher this year that will help us feed that gift.  We have been very blessed in the past two years with great teachers and a great school staff.   I can not wait to see what she accomplishes this year. We are so very proud of her!!!!!

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