Two years ago, we had already been in our adoption process for 8 months. We had been matched with a little boy that fell through. I remember being so devastated. 2 weeks later, a call came in that a little boy had been born, and we were to be matched with him. I remember praying to God that if this really was the boy that He had hand picked for us, please give us a sign. Make the process proceed easily and get this little boy home to us.
We then spent the next 21 months in constant turmoil trying to get this beautiful little boy home to us. We had to fight more of a fight than we ever thought possible. We watched him grow in pictures all the while questioning God and asking why He was allowing these obstacles to be thrown in our path. Did we hear Him wrong when we prayed? There were many times, (months) where neither Gareth or I felt the Lord in this process. We prayed only to hear nothing. There were also times when God put faithful people in our path and used them to show us the way. He truly preformed miracles.
I have come to learn that although the path wasn't easy, God never said it would be. God had something greater in mind for us and that is why we had to wait. Timing is most important in God's time, not ours. He waits until He can have all the glory. We may never understand the waiting, but we have to know that when we are going through trials, it is the time to draw on what we know from God. Not base everything on our feelings at that moment. That being said, I am a women, and that is hard to do:0)
All of that said, we woke Liam up yesterday singing to him. He was clueless and didn't really care for the singing:0) We took him to Chick-fil-A for breakfast. Gareth had to work about 12 hours, so I had my parents come over for dinner and we had cake. All in all, it was a such a fun and laid back day.
As I was putting him to bed, all I could think was how amazing this little boy is. He has a beautiful smile. He is so very clever. He loves to give hugs and he loves his cars and books.
I could go on and on, but I am sure that you don't have all day:0) As I was standing there watching him sleep, I just stood in awe of this little man. God chose him just for us!!
It is like he has always been here. The pain of the wait truly is gone. We are so in Love with him and now have this beautiful bundle of joy that keeps us on our toes and has us wrapped around his little finger. We are so truly blessed to have him as our son and can not wait to see what the Lord has prepared for him in years to come!!!
Happy Birthday Liam!!!!
Happy birthday, Liam. I do believe God has a plan for everyone's life, and a perfect timing. That being said, I have never understood his timing much. :) But I am glad you have crossed into that realm of joy...the pain and agony of waiting really does fade in light of the joy.
Happy Birthday, Liam!! We all are go glad he's there with you for this day! love and miss you all!!
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