Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Nice Visit!!
Gareth's parents arrived on Monday afternoon! We are having a great visit. The kids are thrilled and Liam has warmed up to them so quickly!! Now for tomorrow.....I am hosting Thanksgiving for the first time! I think I will have about 20! Guess we will see how it goes. The most important thing is that we have loved ones to share it with right? It doesn't really matter what the turkey tastes like:0)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Date Night!
Gareth and I went out on a date last night. It started out with some beautiful flowers from my husband. We then went with friends to a comedy club and saw a hypnotist comedian. We had seen him years ago with our Sunday School Class from our church in Va. It is not a Christian show, but I guess from what I hear, not ugly like most comedians today. Anyway, I was actually in the show and was hypnotized. I didn't think it was possible, but it is. I knew everything I was doing, don't think I embarrassed myself too bad, and had a lot of fun. There were about 8 of us from the audience that were in the show.
Gareth and our other friends said they really enjoyed it. It was kinda neat to not really care what other people thought and just let go a little.
Some things I did....... had a job interview as a show critic. I got to tell how wonderful the Flintstones were and my job was to tell how "Hot" Barney rubble was. I was the Easter bunny's child and went to a support meeting for Holiday characters children. We had to compare why we had it worse than others. Anyway, you get the gist. It was fun. Prob. not something i will do again, but an experience to remember. It was so nice to get out with Gareth and have a nice meal and a show. All in all, a great night!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The cast in gone:0)
After sitting at the doctor's office yesterday for 2 1/2 hours, Alex's cast is gone!!!
YEAH!!! The doctor debated re-casting, or at least slinging, but Alex was very persuasive in the whole, "basketball starts in a few weeks" category. She is supposed to take it easy for another week, but is doing really well!! Now, I just pray that she really does slow down a bit. She was complaining a bit that it still hurt, but I am sure by tomorrow, she will be fine!!
I have spent today painting our guest room. My in-laws fly in on Monday, so I wanted to re-do the room. We are so very excited!! They will be meeting Liam for the first time!!! I am off to put the room back together so I can get a good night sleep tonight!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Oh, my little man.....
So I have been cleaning like crazy lately! Closets, cabinets everything. It happens a few times a year:0) Anyway, this morning, I did the ultimate...... tried my wedding dress on. It will be 10 years in February, and although it doesn't fit perfectly, it was "ok". Anyway, I walked out of the bedroom all decked out with vail, dress and all wondering what kind of a reaction I would get. Callum says, "mommy, you are a princess!"
What a sweet boy I have:0)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Keep the prayer going.....

Here is Liam when we first saw him. He was just a day old.
Here is the first picture of Callum that we saw. He was just a few days old. Looking at him now, it is so hard to believe that he was ever that little!!!
I sit here now with my beautiful son, I know they are both gorgeous, but I am with Liam right now:0) and I think of this time last year. I was in the worst pit of my life. I didn't understand the waiting, the heartache, the obstacles being put in front of us. Lately, between my bible study, sermons at church, Sunday school, etc. there has definitely been a recurring theme. In our times of despair, turn to God and keep your eyes there. I wish that I could say that I did that through our adoptions the last 4 1/2 years, but sadly I have to say that there were many times I was upset, angry, bitter, every emotion, I had it. I have learned so many things through our waits and although I would NEVER wish the hurt of what we went through on another person , I do know that God had this planned for us. Even though I still struggle to understand why , I do know that God worked it all out to His glory. He placed amazing people in our path and worked miracles through many people to keep us on the right path.
I still have many friends that are still awaiting their beautiful children. Some that may not have the same out come as we did. I ask that you continue to lift the situation in Guatemala up in prayer especially those families and children still waiting.
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