Thursday, November 20, 2008

The cast in gone:0)

After sitting at the doctor's office yesterday for 2 1/2 hours, Alex's cast is gone!!!
YEAH!!!  The doctor debated re-casting, or at least slinging, but Alex was very persuasive in the whole, "basketball starts in a few weeks"  category.  She is supposed to take it easy for another week, but is doing really well!!  Now, I just pray that she really does slow down a bit. She was complaining a bit that it still hurt, but I am sure by tomorrow, she will be fine!!  

I have spent today painting our guest room. My in-laws fly in on Monday, so I wanted to re-do the room.  We are so very excited!! They will be meeting Liam for the first time!!!  I am off to put the room back together so I can get a good night sleep tonight!!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Glad the cast is gone - even if it did cost you two hours!

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