Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Alex and Callum had their Christmas programs at church Sunday night.  Callum sang a few songs (well, kinda)  before Alex's children's choir preformed their musical.   Alex had a speaking part this year and then became the angel in the nativity scene.  Isn't she too cute?  She did a great job memorizing her lines and acting them out.  It was a wonderful night.  I would have posted pictures of Callum, who looked adorable as well, but this was the only one I had between the two of them that didn't have a lot of other kids in. I didn't want to post other people's children without their permission:0) 

1 comment:

Kelley said...

She does look like an angel!! Very cute. My kids miss doing a Christmas program. Last year we had a short one here, but nothing this year.

I should be home your Thursday night - will you be? If so I'll try to call.

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