On Sunday after the conference, we headed out and since we didn't have to be home until today, we stopped in Gettysburg, PA. I love it there too. I love history, so I could spend an unlimited
amount of time in a place like Gettysburg. Since it wasn't planned, we lucked out by finding a B&B right in the heart of town. We were able to walk around last night and today before coming home!! It was a very nice and much needed weekend!!! We did a lot of talking without the interruption of little voices. We can't believe that 10 years has gone by and also the things that have happened and the struggles we have had. I am so thankful for a husband that had stayed by my side through thick and thin.
amount of time in a place like Gettysburg. Since it wasn't planned, we lucked out by finding a B&B right in the heart of town. We were able to walk around last night and today before coming home!! It was a very nice and much needed weekend!!! We did a lot of talking without the interruption of little voices. We can't believe that 10 years has gone by and also the things that have happened and the struggles we have had. I am so thankful for a husband that had stayed by my side through thick and thin.
Please pray for us as tomorrow we go to court for the boys final adoption hearing!! I pray that everything goes well and that we leave there with the adoption decree needed to apply for their citizenship!!!
What a fun weekend! I kept thinking about you. I didn't realize you were at a marriage conference...we have done that a few times. Good for the soul. :) The strawberries look delicious. Isn't it fun to just have a little of that uninterrupted time together? We feel like little kids getting away. Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!!!
Happy Adoption Day!!!
Yayyyyyy God!!!
Praying for you guys today,
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