Wednesday, the kids and I marched on Capital Hill for the children in Guatemala that are still sitting in limbo waiting to be adopted. There are almost 900 children whose processes have started, and were supposed to be grandfathered through, but that hasn't happened. We walked about 2 miles, and the kids did a great job! I was so proud of them. We are always trying to instill in them to put others first, and yesterday was the prime example of us doing something to try and help others. The march was successful and we did get a few things accomplished and people took notice. We had over 100 marchers and my friend Lori and her children joined me. (thanks, DC buddy) Please continue to pray for these children. They are the ones truly suffering. Every child deserves a home and we just pray that our government and others will remember that it is about the children first!!!
What a neat experience for your kids! And I can picture where you were. :) I saw the news about the Metro. You immediately came to mind. I know it is very unlikely you ride the Metro often, but I couldn't help but worry...
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