Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today and Tomorrow...last days of school!

Today was Callum's last day of Pre-K.  I am not sure that he gets it, as he was talking about something Charlie did tonight and said that he was going to share it with his teachers next week.  Guess we will see what happens next week:0) 

He had a great year this year.  He is a different boy than he was this time last year.  We are so proud of how far he has come.  He is so very special with a little bit of stubborn that just makes him him.  I can't imagine our life without him and can't wait to have a fun filled summer with him.  A few people have bets going to see if he comes home with a British accent after our trip.  It will be interesting to see......

Alex's last day of school is tomorrow.  She is excited but has stressed that she will miss her teacher and friends very much.  We have a surprise lined up for her on Saturday, so stay tuned for that!!

1 comment:

Reba said...

Oh, I cannot wait. You always have fun surprises!

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