Friday, November 16, 2007

Newest Update....

We were told today that we should be submitted for Nicholas's new birth certifcate next week. We also found out that our US Embassy appointment, when we finally get there, will now come via email to me from the US Embassy in Guatemala. I was looking forward to being able to give up my "addiction" to the computer for a while, but now I will still have to be on the computer daily. We have made our list and I started organizing the boy's room tonight. (doesn't that sound so awesome, 'the boys'?) Anyway, it will be interesting to see how it will work out with Callum being such a light sleeper. I don't think that it will be easy. Alex said that Nicholas can sleep in her room so she can get up with him in the middle of the night. I am half tempted to take her up on that. (just kidding) Gareth's parents are flying in on Monday from England, so for now, we get to enjoy their company and have a good time until we get more news. At least we have a lot going on so it will be a good distraction!!!!

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