Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving is over.....

Well, Mum and Joe fly back to England tomorrow. Our Thanksgiving holiday is now officially over. We had a great time. We shopped and played games and the kids have had a blast. Today we went in to D.C. and went to the'lovely' aquairum, the Bureau of Engraving and ended the day with the Museum of the American Indian. For those of you that have never had the pleasure of going to the National aqarium, it takes all of 30 minutes to walk through:0) While we were on the tour at the Bureau of Engraving, we saw a pile of money that valued $340,000. Alex said, "that is soooo much money. Why can't they just give us some?" By the end of the day both kids were in melt down mode, but all in all, we had a GREAT day!!

On the adoption front, we haven't heard anything new. We were hoping to have heard that we were submitted for his birth certificate by now. I really wanted new pictures before my in-laws went home too, but why should our process change just because we are almost done? Hopefully soon, i will have new information to share. In the meantime, we appreicate your continued prayer!!!

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