Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Day 1 in to the New Year!

So, who would have expected drama the first day of the new year? Not Us:0)
Last night, we got home from Basketball and Cheerleading and I noticed during the practices how pale Alex was. She wasn't acting like herself, but she didn't want to leave. We got home, got the kids a bath and then put them to bed. Today was the first day back at school and Alex was VERY excited to go back. Around 10:30, I heard her in her bed crying. I went in thinking that she had had a nightmare. She was burning up with fever and was complaining that her throat hurt and she couldn't breath. Now, Alex is the child that had pneumonia at 2 and was still running around like nothing was wrong. She hates to stop and she hates to miss school. I asked, do we need to go to the doctor? That means no school tomorrow. She said, "mommy I hurt real bad." My heart broke. So, I took her down to the E.R. We had to spend most of the night there. It turns out that she has strep throat,(her throat was very swollen) an ear infection and a fever. Poor thing!! She never once complained about her ear, but the Dr. said "An adult that had an ear that red and swollen would have been crying like a baby. She must have a very high tolerance for pain." She got so upset when the Doctor said no school for 2 days. So, we have spent today catching up on sleep, which is pretty hard to do considering Callum got a full nights sleep. She says that she is feeling better now, but she also says that she wants to go back to school tomorrow. She is still very pale and hasn't eaten today, so my theary is that she is just trying to convince me to let her go tomorrow. NOt gonna happen:0)I hope that she loves school this much when she is a teenager!!

1 comment:

Reba said...

Poor baby! I bet you both are exhausted. Okay, new resolution for your family for this year...NO more drama! I hope everyone is feeling better and more well rest tomorrow!

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