Friday, January 4, 2008

Ya know, it just never ends.....

So, we get an email last night saying that someone is going down on Monday. They will try and get to the bottom of everything. That is great. They do need money for foster care fees. We knew that. I had today to wire it. I went to the bank first thing this morning, 9:15 to be exact and took care of everything. I was then gone for the day. I got home about 5:30 after picking Alex up from school and running a few errands. Well, our bank had called at noon saying that they needed another address in order to wire the money. Apparently the bank routing number, account number and bank address were not enough, even though when I was there, they said they had everything they needed. Long story short, it was 5:45 by the time I got the message. The bank is closed. Luckily, I just got off the phone with the women going down and she said that I should take care of it asap, but it should be ok. Thank heavens that she called or I would have stressed all weekend. She did ask me to ask for prayer. Please pray that she is able to find favor with the people down there and get answers. That she is gentle and wise. This next week will be huge for us and hopefully by the end of the week we will at least know where we stand in terms of our case!!! Please pray!!!

1 comment:

Reba said...

I am thinking of you and hoping you find out some news this week! (Good news of course!)

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