Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day, A day late!

We had a wonderful day yesterday. I woke up at 6:30, which never happens. I am a night owl, not a morning person. Anyway, we decided that we were taking the day off from church and just having a family day. At 8:30, Alex came down and Gareth had informed me that I had to pretend to be asleep. She brought me a few cards that she had made, and a painted flower pot magnet. Sooo cute. Then Callum came in and brought me a homemade card and little tile that he had colored on. They all ran out and came back in with bagels and flowers, and Gareth treated me to a very pretty piece of jewelery. He is so sweet.
We ended up relaxing in the morning. We were going to drive to a nearby town for the day, but the weather was VERY yucky and rainy. Instead, we went bowling and then a leisurely walk through the mall finished off by dinner out. What a wonderful day to spend with my family. I am very blessed to have a wonderful mother who taught me so many things about being a wife and a mother and a wonderfully sweet mother-n-law. I am very blessed to be so lucky!!!

Well, you know I mentioned the yucky weather? We got up this morning with a full day planned. i was taking the kids to school, while Gareth made some calls to England and Guatemala. I was drive Alex to school, so as we pulled in, I thought, ok twilight zone, there is no one here. I put on the news station on the radio and they mentioned nothing. I came back home and called a friend who told me that they closed county schools due to the rain. Well, you should have seen the look on my husbands face. Closing the school because of rain?? If they did that in England, there would never be school. Well, we found out later in the day that due to flash flooding, there were over 30 road closures in the county. Makes sense, and made for an interesting day. Monday is mine and Gareth's morning together, so we didn't get any of the errands done that we needed to. Oh, well, I am sure that I can do it later in the week.

On the adoption front, we did speak with our lawyer today. We are having a very hard time getting resubmitted for our little guys b.c. Too many details to go in to , but again, he was hoping to have news for us in the next day or two. If not, we may have to look in to other options that can set us back further in the short term, but help out longer in the long run. We are beyond frustrated, but very blessed that he has the children at heart. Our main concern is that all of our U.S. documents start expiring for a second time soon, and we are going to have to update them again. That means more money and without an agency, a lot of headache. Please pray that we are able to get him home soon and this resolved so that this doesn't even come in to play!!!!

1 comment:

Reba said...

I would never think about school closing for rain! Don't tell my son...that would be his prayer (though he secretly likes school :) It sounds like you had a good relaxing Mother's Day. The best kind to have. I hope things work out with the b.c. very soon...I know you are more than ready!

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