Tuesday, July 1, 2008

DNA Being tested!

Got the email today. The DNA has been extracted and is in the Lab being tested. Not sure how long it will take to get results. Some people have theirs in a day. Others wait up to a week. I pray that we are the day!!!! Please keep this process in your prayers. Hopefully we will be stalking the Fed Ex truck with our results to the Embassy by the end of the week.

We had a pretty busy day today. Alex and Callum had play dates and we ran some errands. Bailey the dog got her annual trip to the Vet. Abbie our 13 year old dog is still hanging on. The vet offered us pain pills for her. She has arthiritis and is almost fully deaf now. The prescription would run us hundreds of dollars a month. We love our dogs, but that can't happen. For now, we will just keep doing what we can to make her comfortable.

It was a gorgeous day here. Only in the 80's. We had a great night outside with sidewalk chalk and riding bikes. The kids were pretty worn out, and believe it or not, so am I. It is only 11:00 and I think that I am off to bed.

I will be sure to post if we have any new news tomorrow!!!!!

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