Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Today was a great day! We woke up and had a relaxing morning. We went to a pool party at friend's from churches house.
It was a lot of fun. It ended up pouring with rain, but luckily we had already finished eating.
We hung out with them with plans to go to the minor league baseball game. As it was raining, we figured that we would wait until the game was about half way over before getting there. We arrived at 8:45, to the singing of the National Anthem. We couldn't believe it. The game was supposed to start at 7:00. We had lawn seats, which was fun. We had never done that before but it gave the kids the freedom to run around. Gareth and I had taken the kids to get a snack when the lights went out. Since the game was delayed, they had to stop the game in order to do the fireworks. The were not aloud to do them after 11:00 pm.
So, we stood there at watched a beautiful fireworks display. Alex LOVED it. Callum on the other hand, climbed right up my body before I could blink, put his head on my shoulder and didn't look once. He kept asking to go home. Bless his heart. Maybe next year he will be a bigger fan. All in all, it was a wonderful day. I am so grateful to those that sacrificed so much so that we have the privledge of living in such a wonderful country!!!!

On the adoption front, our DNA results are a the Fed Ex plant in Guatemala City!!!! YEAH!!! I will be stalking the computer on Monday praying for the email!!!!!

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