Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy Friday!!!

Today was pretty eventful.  Alex and Callum finished their swim lessons today.  They both did GREAT!!!  Alex went off the diving board into 15 ft. and Callum went down the huge slide.  We are very proud of them!!!   We were finally able to get Liam on our health insurance.  Thank goodness!! It took a few weeks. Now, no more paying out of pocket, although I hope that we don't have any need for the doctor anytime soon.  
Liam update:  he is doing great!!!  He has really learned how to stir Callum up:0) It is interesting to watch. Callum is still establishing that he is big brother, but Liam def. pushes his buttons.   Tonight for dinner, he had 3 pieces of pizza.  He is still terrified of the vacuum cleaner.  Tonight I ended up with him on my hip while I vacuumed.  That was a work out.   Tomorrow, I am doing hair for a wedding, and between that and going to the wedding, I will be leaving the kids for about 7 hours. That is the longest I have had to be away from him since we got him. I m sure that he will do great as he will have Callum and Alex with him, but I still hate leaving:0)  
We are off to the beach this weekend.  I am looking so forward to it, although it is 9:30 and I haven't packed a thing yet. So unlike me, but it will eventually get done.

I hope that everyone has a great weekend!!!!!

1 comment:

Reba said...

Hope you have a fun time at the beach. Joshua is terrified of the vacuum. It is a workout holding and sweeping. :) Hope the wedding/time away went well too.

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