Friday, December 5, 2008

Prayer for court date!!!

I am going to go ahead and ask that you please start praying for our court date now.  We have friends that just had theirs and their re-adoption was rejected. I guess their judge didn't support inter-national adoption, and long story short, didn't approve their re-adoption.  I pray that it can be fixed, although it will prob. take them a lot of time, effort and money. 

After speaking with our lawyer this morning, and telling him this situation, (in another state)  he said that anything is possible, but we won't know until we get there.  

Please start praying for the court date and the judge that will be residing over our case. I truly never even thought that they could reject us!!  I appreciate every lifting this situation up in prayer as often as you think of us. (which I hope is a lot;0)  )  

Thanks a bunch!!!!!  


Reba said...

I will be praying...this JUST came up on guatadopt. I will have to watch the thread...I really didn't think they (the judge) could do that. We really need to readopt. We haven't changed Joshua's name legally and it gets really confusing especially at the doctor's office!

Bill and Toni said...

Oh My! Definitely praying for you guys!!

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