Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Anyone else ready for spring???

I seem to be in a bit of a funk the past couple of days.  Tired of the cold, can't get motivated to tidy up my house, and my car, good gracious, it looks like that tornado has been through it:0)
Def. ready for spring!!!!

Yesterday, I had a dr. appointment, and then it was off to the grocery store.  Always fun:0)  I spent the afternoon at the kids school, which I love to do.  Last night, we had a nice family meal and then Gareth went off to his bible study.  Alex and I spent the evening doing her Feb. project.  She did a report on Dr. Mae Jamison, the first African American female in space.  I let her type it.  Don't know what I was thinking.  My patience was not all there, but I held my tongue and hands and let her do it.  I struggle so much and have really have to hold back and let me kids do things themselves.  (control freak, is that what I am??)  In the end, although it took a few hours, she did a GREAT job.  Off to school she went today after presenting it to us at breakfast.  I am so proud of her.  She loves doing school work!!  
I guess that is all for now. I am off to try to motivate myself to do some stuff around here!
I hope that everyone has a great week and please pray for my attitude this week!!!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Are they teaching how to type in school? Here they do a program called Type to learn - they sell it in the scholartic flyers. It's worth the 15 dollars to have it at home too.

And yes, I love spring! I miss seeing the floweres - we just don't have flowers here like in Hawaii or elsewhere. I miss seeing the daffodiles and tulips come up.

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