Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 15!

Still without power other than a few hours a day. They (the power company) has a rotation going. At the moment, we will have power for another hour, and then not again until morning. We are getting it every 6-7 hours for an hour to 2 before it goes off again. Last night, i read a whole book by candle light.

Today, we had a visit from Gareth's uncle Dave and Auntie Gill. This afternoon, we popped over to visit with Nanny Jenkins, the kids other great-grandmother. We have built a fort in the front room, and the kids did some school work. Good things do happen when you don't have power:0) I am about to bathe them and get them ready for bed before the power goes back out.

Tomorrow the kids and I are heading to my sister-n-laws house for a few days. I am looking forward to the cousins getting to spend time together!!!

I will try and catch up on every one's blogs while I am over there. I am a bit behind, especially now that we haven't had power. Missing you all and will write again soon!!!

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