Friday, July 31, 2009

London Dome Day!!

Today, I took the kids off to the London Dome. my in-laws are gone for 2 days, so it was just us. We ended up taking the bus to Greenwich. Usually the kids enjoy the bus. Today, we were to take the same bus from up the road, straight to the Dome. about 3 stops away, the bus stopped and said b/c of road work, it couldn't go any further. Great!! The driver told us to go around the corner and try to catch another bus. Luckily, there was another couple going to the same place, and after 15 minutes, we were able to find a bus that took us where we needed to go. What an adventure.

We ended up having a nice lunch in the Dome and then i took the kids to see G-force the movie. It was cute, and the kids were really good. I am really tired, and really looking forward to seeing my hubby in two days time!!

Please be in prayer for his trip. He flies out tomorrow night and will be here Sunday morning!!! I can't wait!!!!

1 comment:

Reba said...

I know you are so ready! I hope he is here quickly. And hope you get some good rest. :)

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