Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thank the Lord, We have Approval!!!!!

WE HAVE APPROVAL!!!! I was at church for our monthly Women on Mission meeting and that is when I got the news. It couldn't have been more special. I had 7 of my friends and sisters in Christ to share the Joyful news with me!!! Funny enough, it was my Women on Mission meeting 2 years ago, in november that I got the call that we had approval for Callum too. Is there a lesson here? Make sure that you go to your church meetings!!:0) Anyway, There were MANY nights that I would lay in bed and wonder if I would ever be able to post this. 9 months to the day of entering PGN, our file was picked up with a big Approval stamp on it!!!!
We now apply for his new birth certificate with our last name, then his passport which should come a few days later. After that, we have to get approval from the US Embassy in Guatemala for his 2nd DNA to be taken. It usually takes a few days to get that done, an then we wait for processing. Once the lab in N.C. gets the results back to the Embassy, we are issued our appointment. I know it seems like a lot, and although we are not sure right now if we will have him for Christmas, at least we now know that we will indeed be bringing him in to our family FOREVER!!!!! Alex is soooo excited that she is going to be a big sister again. Before she went to bed tonight, she said, "you better go pack." It was too cute!!! I had to remind her that it will be a few more weeks.

We want to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all of your support and prayers. I will not say that this process has been easy. I will not say that we did not have many talks with God questioning His timing and asking many questions. I will not even say that I did not struggle and wonder if God was even hearing what we were saying when we prayed, especially the last few months. What I do know is that God is GOOD, and always wants the best for His children. I now wonder if I appreciate this moment more now that I have had to wait almost 2 years for it.

Anyway, enough in to my brain.....we now have lists to make and shopping to do. I haven't bought the boy a stich of clothing yet!! Gareth's mom flies in next week. Guess what we will be doing???? How much fun we are going to have!!!!!!

Thank you again for all of your prayers!!!!!

1 comment:

Reba said...

Dawn, I am beyond excited for you! I was SO hoping you were going to have good news today!!! Praise God! (I love the comment about going to church...) I hope it is a very short wait this time to bring him home...I will be checking in on you often!

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