Thursday, December 6, 2007

Another day goes by.....

Still no news on a birth certificate. It is starting to get really hard watching families that got approval around or after us get their pink, "travel dates" when we haven't even gotten the birth certificate yet. I am beyond happy for them, but just can't seem to get over the fact that not a single step in this process with Guatemala has gone easily. Gareth mentioned that he is just done being in a holding pattern. For almost 2 years, we have waited and put our lives on hold not knowing whether we should plan on going somewhere, or do certain things just is case we are traveling. I have had all of my Christmas shopping and Christmas cards done since before Thanksgiving in hopes that we would be getting Nicholas before Christmas. Now that is not possible. His room is cleaned out and ready for him. There is nothing left to do but wait. Maybe I should have waited until the last minute to do things. Atleast then I would have had something to keep me busy and my mind off the wait. Alex asks daily when we are leaving. It is hard to explain to a 6 year old something that we can't really explain to ourselves. The only reason that we have is that the Lord wants us to wait for a reason. He has bigger plans and in the meantime, we just have to focus on all of the wonderful things that we do have. My head knows all of this but my heart is having a much harder time catching up.

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