Friday, December 14, 2007

More Friday News!!!

We did get an email that informed that there was a call made. There is still more that they are going to discuss so I can't really elaborate at this point. The positive is that the board has made contact with our facilitator and we are still "in process". Don't know the truth of where yet, but we are still "in".
I went to my Sunday School Christmas party tonight. I had a great time and Gareth was able to come towards the end.
After everyone left, we prayed with 2 other couples. We spent a good half an hour in prayer tonight, just lifting the whole situation up. We prayed for the people invovled, the money situation, and most importantly the children that are waiting.
We do know that God is in control of EVERYTHING thing that happens!! The moon and the stars, the sun and the clouds. He is in control of our lives and our adoption. We will win this battle all while giving Him the glory!!!

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