Monday, June 30, 2008

DNA at Lab!!

I woke up this morning around 6:00a.m. to get ready for my day. By 7:30 I had emailed the Lab in N.C. to tell them that our sample was on it's way. By 8:00 I had called Baltimore to try and straighten our visa situation out.
At 8:15 we received an email back from Pat at the Lab. Yes, I am on a first name basis with her. She is so nice:0) They had not received the sample yet and seeing as it was only taken on Friday, it would prob. be a few more days before they received it.

By 9:00 I had given up trying to deal with the immigration office and did what I should have done last week. I called our Senator. Within 15 minutes they called back to say that Baltimore had forwarded our information to the National Visa Center. They would follow up with the NVC later and call us back. In the meantime, we received an email from Pat at the Lab telling us that Liam's DNA sample arrived. Yes, you read it right. Something actually happened ahead of when we thought it would!!!!! It should take a few days to test and then the results will be sent back to the Embassy. The awesome thing is that Pat will give us the tracking number so I can follow along and see when it gets back to the Embassy. We then got a call from our Senator's office that the NVC has gotten the information from Baltimore and had forwarded it on to the Embassy. All of this before noon. What a morning. Have I confused you yet??

I then spent the afternoon getting our paperwork together and filled out. Not an easy task when you no longer have an agency to walk you through it. I am still not done after 3 hours and will probably stay up tonight to finish when I have no little ones under foot. The kids and I gave the dogs a bath. Bailey loved it. Abbie, not so much. We had to give up. She is so old now and just was not having it. Gareth did lots around the house today. We really accomplished a lot. We have been ready for our little man to come home forever now, but we still have little things to do to get ready. Most of them couldn't be done until now. Hopefully,we will do that over the next few days so when that email comes, we will be READY!!!!!!


Reba said...

Praise God it has arrived!!! I am SOOOO happy for you! I hope it is done super quick! I know we had results within about five days I believe from the time the test was taken, so it can happen quicky. If you need any help with forms, let me know!

Demarie said...

YEAHHHH!!!! So glad for a great Monday morning! Praying things will keep going so quickly!

Anonymous said...

YES!!! I am so excited. ANYTHING you need call us we are around. My continued prayers. XOXO

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