Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Big RED Approval!!!!!

We woke up this morning at 5am in order to get ready for our Embassy appointment. We learned that Liam does not like to be woken up. He slept through the night again. Did not like his bath at all. I got lots of mama's last night after the bath. It was pitiful:0) Anyway, we arrived at the Embassy at 7am and were a bit lost. Luckily there was a facilitator with another family that walked us through everything. We went through 2 different interviews. Both times, they got to here our dreadful agency experience. Both indiviuals were wonderful!!!! We went in to a very small room, and then got a BIG RED APPROVAL!!!!! I don't think that I will 100% happy until i have his visa in hand, but for now, we are happy. I go back tomorrow at 3:30 to get his stamped passport and visa, and then we can come home!!!!
He is still very taken with me. He wants me to carry him everywhere. He is warming up to Gareth and is much happier at night than in the morning. He still doesn't like loud noises. We ventured out to dinner last night. Gareth spoke spanish very well. At dinner, we really saw Liam open up. He started chatting and tried to feed us. His sippy cup fell out of the diaper bag, so we had to have him use a straw. He loved that. At breakfast this morning, that is all he wanted. He is just precious and we can't wait to continue to see his personality as he opens up more.
We are staying in the hotel today since we don't have his passport. We are off to have lunch at take naps. Tomorrow we may go to the zoo and market before we go back to the Embassy. Then we will come back to the hotel to pack to come home!!!!!!!
Alex and Callum, we miss you like crazy. We can't wait for you to meet Liam!!!!! Love you!!!!!
Thank you for all of the prayers. Today could not have gone better!!!!!!


Karen said...

Oh praise God that the appointment went well!!! He seems to be all you have ever hoped for :o). So good to hear all is well!
As for us, the DNA sample is on its way to Guatamala and we may have pink tomorrow :o)!!

Reba said...

I am so happy to hear all of this. I have been checking in all morning. I didn't doubt that you would get approval, but I did worry that something would happen to complicate matters. I am so glad you got to share the agency story too! And I am the most glad that Liam is such a delightful little boy and has just bonded so quickly. Makes me cry!

Bonnie said...

Hi, Mommy, this is Alex and Grandma. We were laughing at how long your message was. Loved it and can't wait to meet Liam. Callum is downstairs with Grandpa and they are fighting over Grandpa's chair. Aunt Shelly and the kids are out for the day and Grandma has to fix dinner now. Take care and know that we love you and miss you. Love Alex

Murph said...

Congratulations, Dawn. I am so glad this whole thing is almost finished for you. Reba gave me your website and I am happy to see how well Liam is doing.

Demarie said...

Praising God for the positive embassy appt. I was so anxious all day to get home and read this!

Each day is more and more exciting as we are closer to having you home and meeting your sweet SON! (Isn't that such a beautiful word? :-))

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