Monday, July 7, 2008

Please keep us in your prayers today!!!

Our DNA results are set to arrive at the Embassy today. If all go right, we could have our travel dates as early as tonight.
We are asking that you please pray for the situation. That the DNA does arrive when it should, that the Embassy worker hadling our paperwork is diligent in their job, and that God will give us peace today. We are a little anxious waiting to hear something.
With everything that has happened during this process, we really haven't let our guard down all the way yet. We have so many mixed emotions right now and want nothing more that to finally feel like we can get exited!!!!!

This is the final hurdle before we are truly able to bring him home. As long as we get PINK, we are able to travel, and anything for there should be a cake walk:0)

I will post if we hear anything at all, but in the meantime, please pray for our whole situation!!!!!

Thank you!!!!!!


Reba said...

Waiting with eager anticipation!!!

David said...

I'm praying and checking anxious to hear!

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