Monday, July 14, 2008

They Got Liam!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, forgive the last post! This is Shelly, Dawn's sister and the first time I have ever posted on a blog! Dawn & Gareth wanted my mom & I to post for them to let everyone know that after a crazy morning of flights, Liam is with them and he is doing well. They met the foster mom, she was very nice and helped them get him to sleep so when he wakes up she will no longer be there and that will be the true test.

Dawn wanted us to thank everyone for the continuous prayers!



Kelley said...

YEAH!!! We are thrilled!!!

Demarie said...


BlessedMomof 5 said...

Sarah wants to see him now :) (we do too but we are a little more patient than a 4 year old - but only a little).
Can't wait to hear the details!

Reba said...

I am so glad. I have been thinking about them all day. Hope the evening goes well!

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