Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What a wonderful day!

Well, last night was great. Liam did great. He woke up from his nap and did great! Of course, he was a bit upset. We found that he doesn't like the hotel room. We spent a little while just walking the hotel, then had some dinner. He eats everything. Putting him to bed was much easier than we thought. He doesn't like a bath like we were told. He screamed so loud that we gave up. We then laid him in our bed and he looked from one of us to the other until he feel asleep. That easy. He slept through the night almost 11 hours. We woke many times just to look at him thinking that he would wake up. This morning, he woke up and did great. We had breakfast in the hotel and then we were able to get a tour guide to take us and another couple to Antigua. It was so nice. We were able to see the ruins of what was once a beautiful Cathedral. it was destroyed in and earth quake. We went to a Jade factory, (lots of fun) and then a market where Gareth attempted to make me barter for stuff. I didn't' enjoy that too much:0) We have had beautiful weather and had such a nice day.
Liam is very quiet and reserved. He is a little skittish and doesn't like loud noises. We haven't had a lot of smiles yet, but we did have a tantrum when I attempted to put him down. He loves to have me hold him. He is already raising his arms to me. So cute!!!!! He wants me to carry him everywhere, even though he can walk. Not a problem at all!!!! We can't wait until tomorrow to see his personality come through even more!!! Everyday is just going to get better and better. He is just so gorgeous!!!!!!
We will be getting up around 5:30am for our big appointment. Please pray that it goes well!!!
We miss Alex and Callum so much and can't wait to be home to have our family reunited!!!!!The Internet in our room isn't working, so I will try and post again tomorrow when we get back from the Embassy. We can't wait for everyone to meet him!!!!! He is so great~~~~~


Helena Johnson said...

Hi guys!
We are so excited for you and will definately continue to pray that tomorrow all goes well. Can't wait until Friday. How hilarious that he called Gareth Mama!
I guess we know who needs a haircut! Reading your blog has been such an inspiration and highlight of the week. God is good!
Helena and family

BlessedMomof 5 said...

Well of course he's wonderful - who would have thought otherwise :)
Glad things are going so well for you and that you were able to get out of the hotel.
Looking forward to hearing more...

Reba said...

I am so very happy that he is doing so well. I knew he would be wonderful but I did worry about the transition! Hope the appointment goes smoothly...it is so hard getting them up so early! I am SOOO ready to see some pictures. And I am ready for you to be home too. :)

Bill and Toni said...

Praising God with you that all is going so smoothly... and praying that it continues. Specifically praying for your appointment, but also the continual blossoming of his personality (well, the parts he'll allow you to see).

Can't wait till Friday!! YAYYYYYY God!!!!!!!!!!

Pictures... must... have... pictures... :o)

With love and prayer,

Karen said...

We are so happy that you are finally with your son and can come home forever soon! Praying that your appts go well and that your travels be safe. God bless.

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