Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday, Thursday!!

Well, I had a great night out last night.  Gareth was able to re-arrange his work schedule and work late Tuesday to have last night off.  He took Alex to piano and the kids to church.  
I on the other hand was able to go with my mom and sister to a concert.  We had a GREAT time.  Very tired today but a GREAT time!!

Today I am heading out to take Liam to the asthma/allergy doctor.  Please pray that we are able to get answers.  He still wheezes throughout the day and is still doing 4-5 yucky poohs a day.  I have a self diagnoses and I am hoping I am right. It would be a very easy fix and not too serious. 
I will post our update later, but I appreciate the prayers before hand.

1 comment:

Demarie said...

Praying for you! I'm not sure about Sunday yet. I think we are planning to come up, but have not yet bought tickets. I'll let you know for sure tomorrow.

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