Saturday, March 28, 2009

Typical Jenkins style!!

Gareth made it to England safely. As far as I know, he is having a great time with his family!! His mum turned 60 yesterday so he is there for a great celebration!!
Now, typical Jenkins style, I planned lots while he was gone.  Yesterday, Alex and I went on a field trip with her school. It was lots of fun!  Today we got up and we planned to drive about an hour and a half to meet with a friend for her daughter's birthday.  I get the kids loaded up, we are on time to leave, and my car doesn't start.   We ended up taking Gareth's truck.  I am so thankful that our friend John had offered to drive him to the airport the other day so we had that option.It works today, it won't work when it is time to pick him up from the airport.    Anyway, as I type, our friend Chet is buying me a new battery.  I thank God for wonderful friends!!!  Thanks again John, Chet and Kristy!!!  Chet leaves tomorrow.  I told him that we will have Kristy's back while he is gone, but hopefully we won't have to return the favor!!  Hopefully no more drama until after Gareth gets home:0)  

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