Friday, March 13, 2009

Update on Callum's Dr. Appointment

We were able to determine that Callum has at least full hearing in one of his ears today.  The other ear is inconclusive as Callum wouldn't cooperate for all of the testing.  We only got through 2 out of 4 tests.  He heard all the way down to 15 decibels.  He couldn't hear at 10, which would be normal,  but they think that his ears will eventually be trained to do so.  So, after 2 1/2 hours and 2 different doctors, it was determined that Callum should not have to have any more surgeries!!! No more tubes, they are not worried about more scar tissue or damage at this point at all.  
 Praise the Lord!!!
What a great way to start our weekend.  We don't have to follow up for six months unless he has some set backs. (ear infections with the 105 fever spikes)  I am so glad grateful that God has placed wonderful doctors in our path that truly care about his well being.  Although he is going to continue speech at least twice a week, he is coming along so well in that department.  He is speaking so well, and holding great conversations.  He is such a different boy that could barely talk this time last year!!

1 comment:

Demarie said...

So glad for the good news! I totally agree...he is a completely different boy, and he is growing so fast!

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