Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 13!

Nothing too exciting going on today! All of the kids slept through the night, but Liam is like an alarm clock. The keeps getting up at 6:45. I won't complain though. I am getting 6 hours of straight sleep.

This morning we headed out to church. there was children's church for the kids, but they aren't pulled out until half way through the service. The kids did better this week before heading off to their class. The service was really nice. We walked home with a neighbor Jill, who grew up with gareth. She ended up taking Alex for a little while this afternoon. I took the boys up to the shops to by a few things for Alex b-day on Wed. Her taking Alex really helped. They made some cup cakes.

The rest of the afternoon, we spent playing in the yard and praying that the rain would hold off until my clothes hanging on the line were dry.

We had a wonderful Sunday roast, (with Alex's cupcakes for desert) and now we are getting ready to head off to bed. Lovely relaxing Sunday!! I am missing home a bit today. Not that I don't every day, but today it just seems more than usual. I am sure by tomorrow, we will be busy as ever, and I will be better:0) I hope you are all well and will speak to you soon!!

1 comment:

Reba said...

It sounds like a good day!

Are you home sick or hubby sick? :)

I want you to know how much I really admire that you are there on your own with the kids. What a fantastic experience for all of you. Everytime I read about everywhere you have gone, I just shake my head in awe!

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