Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 8 and Happy Gottcha Day LIAM!!!!

Yup, a year ago today, we got Liam!! I can't decide whether it has been a quick year or not.

Today started out with us just hanging out. Nanny and grandad took the kids up to the candy shop and they got rained on coming back. Grandad bought a pin ball game at the shop up the road, so while they all played that, nanny and I made a cake. We had a nice sit down lunch, the kids gave Liam a card, and then we had cake to celebrate this special day! We then took them on a double decker bus and head out to Blue Water. (the big mall) We walked part of the mall, got a bite to eat, let the kids play and then headed back home on another double decker. The kids have had their bath and are winding down for bed.

On to Liam.....

A year ago today, I was able to hold my little boy for the first time!! It was truly amazing. By day 2, he was calling me mama and wouldn't let me put him down. He is an amazing little boy. He is sweet and smart. He is an observer. He likes to watch things and then it usually only takes him one try to do it. He has really become a little boy lately and moved out of the toddler stage. He is now talking in sentences all of the sudden. Guess he has to to get a word in with the rest of us:0) I love to hear what he has to say. Like just now, they are watching a show, winding down. They are supposed to be sitting quietly. He came in a whispered, "where is nanny?" and I told him she was out. He then whispered, "oh, OK" smiled his brilliant smile and out he went. How funny that he whispered it!!

I am so amazed that the Lord has placed this little boy in our family. We are so blessed to have him. We love him so much and can not wait to see what the God has planned. Liam, we love you!!!!


Bonnie said...

I can't believe its been a year. Sounds like you celebrated the occasion. Have a great time. We are finally almost packed. Just overnight bags and we are ready to go. Gareth called but I missed it and then I couldn't find him. I am sure he just took Charlie for a walk. Will try to talk to him later and find out how he enjoyed the game yesterday. Give the kids hugs and kisses from us. Love you, Mom and Dad

Helena Johnson said...

Hi Dawn,
It has been so fun to follow your trip on your blog. You sound like you are doing great. I can't believe that a year ago you were in Guatemala and today you are in England, what a world traveller you are! Can you believe that it has been over a year that we cried and prayed and wondered if he would ever get to come home! It was sooo worth it. God is good. I am so happy that a year later you are enjoying a vacation in England. By the way what is an "authentic" Canadian Pub, does everyone have a brewski and walk around saying EH? Too funny, I am sure you didn't find out :). Have a great day!
Miss you,

Reba said...

I remember what joy I felt when you finally held that boy in your arms. And even more, what a blessing it was that he transitioned SO smoothly to you. We waited a long time for him! Happy Gottcha Day, Liam!

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