Thursday, August 13, 2009

First day home!!

The kids were all up in the night last night, but slept later than I thought they would. We ended up getting out of the house by 8 and heading to Chick-fil-a. From there we went to my parents to pick Charlie up. He was ever so excited to see us!! It was so much fun to watch the kids with him!

While I was away, my husband bought a new car. Yup, you read that right. He was having issues with his truck and never really got over the bad deal he got on it at purchase. Anyway, he is a wheeler and dealer, so he ended up trading his truck in for another Nissan. I don't mind as the payments are lower, and he got a GREAT DEAL, but it was quite a surprise. The other surprise is that it is a manual. I have no idea how to drive a manual. He knew this when he bought it, but since it cut a couple thousand off the price, he figured he could teach me. So.....this morning he took me out while the kids bonded with grandma. Believe it or not, it only took an hour and I was driving on the roads. It is actually a lot of fun. This evening we even went out with the kids in the car. I was def. nervous to do that, but Gareth said he was confident I could do it:0) Alex did laugh quite a bit when I stalled on a hill, but other than that, it was pretty uneventful!! Gareth was a very patient teacher. He will def. be teaching the kids how to drive when that time comes.

We did get 90% unpacked and then went to my parents house for the evening. It was good to see dad after 6 weeks, and mom had some women over for a jewelry party. Always nice!!
At the moment, everyone is asleep but me. (and charlie) Off to read a book and try to wind down. You would think I would be exhausted. Maybe it will hit tomorrow.

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