Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunny Sunday to go with the Sunny Saturday!!

We ended up skipping church this morning. Liam was up in the night. He and Callum both now have pretty bad coughs. I can't tell if they are colds or allergies.
The weather was gorgeous today!! Not a single drop of rain! Beautiful, 70 and no humidity!!
We had a wonderful Sunday roast, and then G took the kids to a train museum with his dad. This evening, G's Uncle Dave and Auntie Gill, invited us over. We took the kids to the park, and then just had a nice visit. The kids are just off to sleep. I am going to wind down and then try and sleep myself. G, and mum and Joe are already out, so I am having a little quiet time. Tomorrow is going to be a pretty busy day!!


Reba said...

Hope the boys feel better! I am glad the weather was nice. Sounds like you had a fun weekend. :)

Bonnie said...

Going through the same thing here.
Running nose and watery eyes. Hope its not Charlie doing this to me. Can't wait to see you all on Wednesday. Don't forget that you are coming to the jewelry party on Thursday evening. Love you all, Grandma and Grandpa

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