Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Sorry that I am just doing Monday's post. It has been a little crazy:0) Monday......Gareth and Alex took a trip with Joe down to Bex Hill to see nanny Russell. They were gone most of the day. The boys stayed home with Nanny. They both still have head colds. I spent the morning finishing our Christmas shopping and wrapping presents for family over here. Yes, I know i am crazy, but I am usually done by this time of year. By being over here and delivering them already, we have saved on a bunch of postage. I also had more options on what I could buy people. Normally it has to be smaller b/c of having to mail it. Not this year. At the end of the day, I was tired, but really enjoyed myself. Last night, Gareth and I went out for a bite to eat after the kids were asleep. It was really nice!!! I will post a bit later about the rest of today!I can't believe that we are down to 1 day left!!

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