Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ok, so a quick update on the last few weeks......

Lets see..... we booked our tickets to England for the summer.  Very excited about that.  The same night, our washing machine broke.  (typical) So, we have spent the last two weeks searching for the best deal on washing machines.  I ran for PTA president and won:0)  Very excited about that.
Gareth and Alex went to a father daughter dance and had a blast. She looked so pretty and actually let me do her hair.  (will post pics later).   We had our last MOPS meeting.  After 6 years of helping run it, I stepped down.  A little sad, but I needed to move on.  We had our mother/daughter banquet at church.  I was very nervous, (my 2nd year in charge) but it seemed to go over well.  Now I am helping plan for our women's night in next week.  
That is our two week wrap up.   I will post more later.  At the moment, I am organizing the kids rooms and going through clothes.  don't enjoy that at all.  Alex has grown so much that I can't get another season out of her clothes.  Callum is doing ok for the summer clothes, but Liam is in between sizes.  Looks like he will be wearing shorts that come down to his shins:0)  Hopefully the end of the week will slow down a bit and i will post some pics.  Hope everyone is having a GREAT week!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

We are still here!

I received a call yesterday from a friend just checking on us.  She said, "I keep checking your blog and there is nothing new. I got a little worried."  So sweet. Thanks for checking.  We are doing well.  Just been pretty busy.   I have lots to catch up on, my posts, reading friends blogs. etc.   I will try and do that soon!!!  I think this is the longest I have gone without being glued to the computer.  Not a bad thing, but I do need to catch up!!!

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