Friday, December 21, 2007

Friday Night!

I took the kids out tonight to go and see "The Chipmunks" . It was cute. Callum is doing so well and he actually sat and watched the movie. This is only the second time he has done this. He did it last month too when my mother-n-law and i took the kids to see "Enchanted". What a difference from the little boy 4 months ago that wouldn't ever sit still and would never watch t.v.for more than 5 minutes at a time. (not that I want him watching it all the time) Alex really enjoyed the movie. Her laugh is so great and infectious, I think my mom and I enjoyed that as much as the movie.

On the adoption front, we waited all day to hear something positive, but didn't. I am hoping that we will hear something prior to Christmas, but we may just have to hang in there a little longer and try to be patient. Thank you for continuing to pray!!!

1 comment:

Reba said...

I have been wanting to see that...hopefully this week with at least one of my kiddos. I will keep praying!

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