Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ok, should I have ended the last post the way I did?

No more drama??    Yeah right!!

My daughter decided to jump down our steps this evening.  I must point out that it was 6 steps, not the full 7 that we have leading down stairs.  We just spent 2 hours at the urgent care, (thanks to mom for coming last minute to sit here while the boys slept!!)  and the doctor said that she "thinks" it is only a bad sprain.  As I learned tonight, sometimes when you have your injury x-rayed too soon after the injury took place, it may be a little difficult to read.  So, we are treating it as if it were a bad sprain, she is to stay off of it for the next 3 days, and if it is still swollen or hurts, then we should have it re-x-rayed.  Can I tell you that now that I know that, I will just wait -period-  if there is a next time.   When we waited with her arm for three days, I felt like an awful parent to then find out that it was broken.  Now I am finding out that I actually did the right thing then.  Who knew??    


Kelley said...

Too bad Alex and Melissa can't hang out together while we wait for their bodies to heal! yes, M is still sick. She woke up today fine and dandy, but was back to 102 by 4:30. Lovely!

Demarie said...

Sorry for all the drama :-( But we were SOOO glad to see you guys yesterday! Thank you for helping Elizabeth have a good birthday!

Reba said...

Oh my, sounds like you are having fun! Doesn't this stuff always happen when Daddy is away? I do hope it really IS just a bad sprain and it heals quickly! Oh, and Lauren still talks about someday when she and Alex are in college...she even says she might live in DC someday!

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