Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Dont' feel well at all! Horrible head a chest cold. Didn't end up doing much today. Tomorrow is off to Brussels. Hoping that I am feeling better then. Will fill you in.......


Reba said...

I hope you feel better so you can enjoy your getaway!!!

BlessedMomof 5 said...

just getting to the computer (long story....) Happy belated Birthday and I hope you're feeling beter. Anna is missing Alex and is bummed that she won't see her before school starts. See you soon!!

Bonnie said...

Glad you had a great day. I was telling several people yesterday that your cold traveled through the computer because I was sniffling and teary eyed all day yesterday, allergies. I am off to see Shelly and the kids today in Fredericksburg, shoe shopping for them. They start school on Monday. I bought Alex 3 new outfits for school, couldn't resist, they are so cute. Give all a hug and kiss. Love you all, Grandma and Grandpa

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