I can start by saying that our new son is beautiful!!!!
Thanks to Shelly and mom for posting. We were having some internet issues, and the screen still isn't perfect, so if something isn't spelled right, or sound right, forgive me this time. I am the one that fixed the problem and I am still not sure how:0)
Our Journey BEGINS!!!!!
We arrived at the airport this morning at 4:45 to be told that our flight was delayed by 2 1/2 hours. No reason. We would miss our connection and if that happened, we wouldn't get to Guatemala today. What a way to start the morning:0) We were on standby for a 7:00 flight, and ended up not getting on that one thanks to a couple that arrived at the last second. We were able to get on the 7:15, that with the time difference, landed in Houston at 9:18. Our connection was at 9:25. The poilot and crew were so nice. They had called ahead and told them our situation. They said that there were no promises, but they might be able to hold the plane a few minutes. I, shy person that I am, asked muliptle people to switch seats with us. Our seats were at the back of the plane, and we needed to be in the front so we could run the seond the plane stopped. This was also after I asked about 40 people at National Airport if we could butt in front of them after we were told about our flight delay:0) My husband was very thankful for a stubborn wife today. I was not going to let us miss meeting our son today!!!Needless to say, we met 2 very nice people that offered to switch. We didn't get to sit together, but that wasn't the goal. We wpent the whole flight praying. The plane landed at 9:23. As we were taxing Gareth yells backc to me, "the plane is still there", the second the seat belt sign went off, we were running. What a sight we must have made. By the Grace of God, we only had 4 gates to go. Gareth ran ahead. I can't sprint like that anymore:0) He held the plane until I got there, and we made the connection!!Praise God!!!!!! Thanks to those of you who prayed us through that. Those prayers are the reason we were able to make the flight.
We arrived in Guatemala City at 11:35. Our Lawyer was meeting us at the hotel at 12:30. We head to baggage claim, and of course, no luggage. We spend a half an hour filling out a claim ticket. Didn't think that it should take that long, but it is us you know. Hopefully we will get luggage later tonight. If not, we will be in the same clothes all week. Just kidding, I will have to find a store somewhere!!!!
We arrive at our Hotel at 12:40, walk in and Gareth says, "there he is!!!!" Liam walked right in front of us smiling away. How beautiful. We weren't sure what to do, so I found our lawyer, went and checked in and then we all came up to our room. We were able to spend time with his foster mom. What a blessing that was. We were told that we problay wouldn't get to, and she was such a sweet and wonderful woman. The funniest part was when Liam looked at me, then looked at Gareth and said, "mama". We all died laughing. Maybe that will be the reason Gareth cuts his hair:0) Just kdding, I love it. His foster mom put him to sleep, and then she snuck out. He has been sleeping ever sense. What an amazing day!!!!! We are a bit shell shocked really. Everything was so stressful and rushed, but I am coming to learn that the Jenkins' family doesn't do it any other way. So, here I sit waiting........ I want to wake him up so badly, but know I can't. So, I will sit and wait as patiently as I can. The 45 minutes that we spent with him so far were amazing. He loves the 2 little stuffed dogs and are from Alex and Callum and he loves the toy cell phone we brought him.
We have learned that he loves that bath. He is walking all over, and he is still on a bottle. That will have to change, but I won't do it cold turkey. Hopefully gradually over the next few days, we will be able to introduce him to a sippy cup.(if we get our luggage, becuase of course, that is where it is. we forgot to put it in the carry on) That is all for now. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your continued prayers and support. Love to Alex and Callum. We miss you both so much and now that we have Liam, we just want to come home. 4 more days!!!!!
What a blessing our 3 children are. We will continue to thank God each and every day for the wonderful blessings that he has entrusted to us.
I am off to stare at my little boy and just watch him sleep!!!!!!
I will try posting more tonight or tomorrow!!!!!!